
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018

Experience Paranormal

BAD MONSTER >:C If  I had talk about of  my paranormal experience, i can talk the most interesting histories its was when i was one year old. I dont remember much of this moment because i was a baby but my mother and my family talk me of this. When I was baby to my mom made a black magic, She never say me who it was, but she know the person according to she say me. The history begin while I played with cousin , suddenly i started to cry  desperately and  she was screaming at my grandmother that a monster was attack me , but when she saw me, she dont see "the monster". My grandmother tryed calm me, but this was so difficult untill that my mother arrive. That situation happened like 3 times, where I cried and my cousin said to see something.  A night suddenly i was sleeping my mother saw that something pulled me of the bed to the floor, scared she wake up and take me for preventing me for falling.  After this day my mom told to a priest friend...

Pelluhue, the best place for the enjoy a vacation

Pelluhue, the best place for the enjoy  a vacation  If I have to talk about my best holiday ever, I can say  that It was in the year 2015 in February, with my friends organise a trip with destiny to Pelluhue , this  is a town of the Maule Region's cost.  We stayed in pelluhue one week  with my friends Oscar, Shelo, Kristy and Sebita. Pelluhue has a big hill with a beautiful river, it also has a pretty beach. With my friends where going everyday  to river,  when we carryed food, melon, wine and something of weed. The afteernoon here was very relaxed,  with my friends swimming in the river all the time . But Also a someday go to the beach in the day to take sun . After of the river with my friends are going to  Oscar's house to preparate  for the night in the beach. The night in the beach was funny, because the people preparate a big wood fire near of the ocean , Stay here with a wood fire and ear the ocean s...
Machu Pichu , Perú I think that learning about of the diferent culture is enriching for all people, know about diferent mode of live is interesting for me because help me to see the life with diferent eyes. For this I find important travel to diferent part of the word  because know diferent life style and culture. This is the case of the machu pichu, when the ruins of the older Inca Empire talk about of the history and mode of life that exist in this time, when Machu Pichu was built as a sacred place for the Inca Civilization; it houses several temples that where used as places of worship and worship of its main deities  I want to going  Machu Pichu because ,for me, is very important to know the origin of latin american territory, and I think that this place is a importan part of the history the our territory. I like knowing history back de important temples of the zone , temples like the temple of sun or temple of moon .  Temple of sun  ...