Experience Paranormal


If  I had talk about of  my paranormal experience, i can talk the most interesting histories its was when i was one year old. I dont remember much of this moment because i was a baby but my mother and my family talk me of this. When I was baby to my mom made a black magic, She never say me who it was, but she know the person according to she say me. The history begin while I played with cousin , suddenly i started to cry  desperately and  she was screaming at my grandmother that a monster was attack me , but when she saw me, she dont see "the monster". My grandmother tryed calm me, but this was so difficult untill that my mother arrive. That situation happened like 3 times, where I cried and my cousin said to see something. 

Resultado de imagen para bebe atacado por fantasmas
A night suddenly i was sleeping my mother saw that something pulled me of the bed to the floor, scared she wake up and take me for preventing me for falling.  After this day my mom told to a priest friend Juan  the things was happened with me and he decides to go clean the house of the bad spirits.

since that day that nothing happened to me anymore... thank priest Juan. 


  1. woow so scary!! thanks priest Juan x10000000:(

  2. Your relate is terrifyng!! that good that helped you!

  3. my father told me once that something pulled his hair while he was alone in his bedroom!. Things like this are so scary.


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Summer 2019

Academic life uchile, average student