Machu Pichu , Perú

I think that learning about of the diferent culture is enriching for all people, know about diferent mode of live is interesting for me because help me to see the life with diferent eyes. For this I find important travel to diferent part of the word  because know diferent life style and culture.

Vista general de la ciudad inca de Machu Picchu

This is the case of the machu pichu, when the ruins of the older Inca Empire talk about of the history and mode of life that exist in this time, when Machu Pichu was built as a sacred place for the Inca Civilization; it houses several temples that where used as places of worship and worship of its main deities

 I want to going  Machu Pichu because ,for me, is very important to know the origin of latin american territory, and I think that this place is a importan part of the history the our territory. I like knowing history back de important temples of the zone , temples like the temple of sun or temple of moon .

Vista exterior del Templo del Sol Temple of sun Templo de la Luna ubicada en lo alto de la montaña Huayna Picchu Temple of moon

I like to go Machu Pichu for study the space, the building and the culture of the original people, this people are our brother and is necessary know our history.


  1. Machu pichu is a mystery, for a long time was hidden in the mountains, and was discovey recently, this place have magic :3

  2. I want to go to Machu Pichu too!! It´s a very interesting place and the ruins have a lot of things to say to the world!!!!

  3. i have never traveled to Machupicu, but is a great example of how well developed was the knowledge of the Inca empire, some day i'll go there and try the famous coca's leaves hehe

  4. this place is so interesting and mysterius. and i agree whit you that the machupichu history is very important to know the history of the latino american.


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