Currently in our country speaks more about the legalization of abortion. Chile has decriminalized abortion in three situations, but does this measure solve the real need of our society? Many feminist groups have demonstrated this last time that they support the right to choose over motherhood and the autonomy of the woman's body; It has also been shown that the right to choose over motherhood and abortion are linked to the economic power of a woman. In this way, women who have greater economic resources are more likely to perform an abortion, while those who can not die in hiding when the problem must be considered in public health policies.

I believe that reproductive choice empowers women by giving them control over their own bodies. Because the choice about when and if to have children is fundamental for a woman's independence and her ability to determine her future. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote in the Planned Parenthood decision. Casey, 1992: "The ability of women to Participate equally in the economic and social life of the nation has been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives". For this reason, feminist groups are currently fighting for equal rights between men and women.

Beyond the religious or biological positions that one may have, all respectable, the problem of abortion exists and continues to be produced, whether it is wanted or not, each year there are 55.7 million abortions in the world, 45% of the which (25.5 million) is carried out without security guarantees, according to the WHO and the Guttmacher Institute of New York (USA) in 2010 and 2014

Resultado de imagen para aborto legal y gratuito
This is why abortion is an urgent issue in public health policy, because women do and will continue do, be it the reason they  not to want the baby born, such as rape, lack of necessary resources to receive a baby, not wanting to endanger their working life that is affected by the failure of a contraceptive method or whatever. But finally the only ones who can move forward with their lives without being affected by an unwanted pregnancy are those who possess the necessary resources to be able safely do so in hiding or with a false illness in a hospital while women with fewer resources and more vulnerable die in hiding


  1. Legal abortion is needed because if a woman doesn't want a child, she will do anything in her hands to make it happen, even risking her life.


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